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Herniated DISC Medical Animation - Ghost Medical Animation & Surgical VR

Herniated DISC Medical Animation - Ghost Medical Animation & Surgical VR

Ghost Productions created an animation geared toward patient education that details the pathology of a herniated disc. A spinal disc consists of two main parts the jelly-like nucleus pulposus in the disc center and the outermost layers collectively called the annulus fibrosus. These two components facilitate the spines movement and provide support for the vertebra. Disc degeneration or trauma can cause the nucleus to herniate through the weakened layers of the outer disc and leak out of the annulus fibrosus into the spinal canal. In the case of a lumbar herniated disc the weak spot and the annulus fibrosus is directly underneath the spinal nerve root so a herniation in this area can put direct pressure on the nerve. The nerve root extends down the leg and any type of pinching or pressure on the nerve and the lower spine can cause pain numbness tingling or weakness to radiate along the path of the nerve down the leg. Ghost Productions is a creative development company that specializes in helping surgical device companies and pharmaceutical drug manufacturers market their products, train physicians and other healthcare professionals by developing highly functional medical animations and virtual reality surgical simulations to effectively train surgeons, market medical devices, and educate patients about their healthcare treatment options. Our team of talented, software developers, medical animators, designers, and artists can help you improve your medical device marketing efforts with fully immersive medical VR surgical simulations, customized medical animation videos, interactive eLearning, mobile applications, and web deliverable content. We’re the experts at crafting medical animations and interactive 3D experiences that bring challenging information to life. The medical animation artists at Ghost Productions can help you explain medical products, demonstrate surgical technologies, visualize medical simulations and more. We’ve worked for the biggest names in the medical industry, and our experience backs us up. Our medical animation studio is housed in the same building as our virtual reality and interactive software development department to ensure that your medical products and technologies are represented with the finest possible support media. As videos and other scientific animations increasingly populate social media feeds, it’s becoming more important than ever to remain relevant by investing in quality medical/science visualizations. Modern medicine is a crowning achievement of civilization, adding immeasurably to the quality of our lives – and nothing explains intricate medical concepts better than the dynamic media produced by Ghost Productions. Discover more at #HerniatedDiscAnimation #GhostProductions #GhostMedical Follow Us: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn:



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